Now if only I could find my cape ...

Monday, January 30, 2006

More new stuff coming ...

One of my partners at Fourio, Ryan, came up with a great idea to map out all of the “Web 2.0” companies from a variety of lists scattered across the net.

The result was the Web 2.0 Innovation Map ... a growing collection of 200+ cool websites and the locations that spawned them (yes, a great many are in California, but New York and Dallas have good showings, too). And thanks to ranking on Mark Millerton’s Top 10 Innovative Web Applications of 2005, we didn’t even have to shamelessly plug our own NetworthIQ into the list … it made it on its own merits. :-)

Anyone out there with feedback, feel free to send it to the whole Fourio team at or make a comment on this entry. We live for the comments!

The super-secret 1.0 release of NetworthIQ is coming soon, too. I can’t wait!

Visualize Web 2.0

Well, I have to admit I work with some pretty bright individuals. One of my partners at Fourio came up with a great idea to do map the locations of the innovative teams developing popular Web 2.0 apps ... a Web 2.0 Innovation Map. There are over 200 websites listed so far, and plenty of room for more. Outside of California (duh!) there are a number of creative pockets scattered across the U.S., as well as some talented teams in Canada. And of course, our pet project, NetworthIQ, is on the list as well.

Check it out and send your comments to us ... and if you've got a great Web 2.0 app out there not on the list, send us your details!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Web Addiction ...

Man, I thought I'd spend some time this evening catching up on postings to 43things, 43places, and in my blog in general. Over an hour later I'm realizing that I've barely put a dent in all the places I've travelled to around the world and thanking my lucky stars that I got the opportunity to do so earlier in life.

If anyone's interested, you can see my travel destinations in 43things as schism.


Okay, I’m a closet Interaction Designer, wanting desperately to actually be able to practice the art and science of ID, but somehow it ALWAYS ends up that people think I do Graphic Design (GD).


Yes, I know my way around Photoshop, thank-you-very-much, and yes, I can edit photos, create images, and have an eye for beautiful graphic works, BUT I AM NOT A GRAPHIC DESIGNER!!!

Interaction Design, by my definition, is the design of the interaction a person has with an object, whether that be a website, an application, a device or a place.

If anyone out there wants a bit o’ free ID work, I’m game at this point. I need to build a portfolio of work, and I can’t do that while trying to explain why the world needs ID … instead I’ll show them what’s possible. :-)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Running Just to Catch Myself

The holidays were a great time for some rest and reflection ... and as I pondered my goals for 2006, many came to mind, but I think MMB hit the nail on the head with her Goal #3 for 2006, "Relax more and spend less." So I'm shamelessly adopting it as my big goal for 2006.

As for the title of this post, if the name doesn't explain itself, listen to the song of the same name by Mark Schultz from his Stories & Songs album.

Here's to a new year and new chances to relax more and spend less.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Okay, I've been praying and hoping for what seems like the longest time (only 4 months, really) that our former home would sell so that we could get back on financial track, and finally we got an offer on the house. I can't tell you how much I've cringed ever time I've had to write a check for that additional mortgage payment. Ugh!

Now we just have to hope that the inspection goes well, the financing turns around quickly for the buyers and we get our money so that we can really kick off 2006 with a financial bang!

Monday, January 02, 2006

NetworthIQ on eHub

It finally happened ... an interview from months back finally made it up on Emily Chang's eHub. While I'm not thrilled with the picture of the Fourio team, the interview itself is a nice overview of who we are, what we're doing with NetworthIQ, and where we hope to be in a year.

If you've never checked out Emily's site, take a peek. It's a great opportunity to learn a bit about companies and websites that are doing new and interesting things ... and it's very likely that a few of the sites on her list will be the big names on the web a few years from now.